++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ REMINDER AND GUIDELINES FOR USING THIS FILE (for EM) 1. The input values/texts must be in ASCII characters and they must be placed after the equal sign (=) inside of the brackets. 2. The input values/texts CAN NOT contain the three characters (", < , >). Blank spaces or carriage returns within <..> are ignored by the program. 3. NEVER change the data item names (the first column) inside of the brackets. NEVER remove the equal sign (=) after the data item in the brackets. 4. If more groups are needed, same number of data items should be added. 5. The items marked by '!' are mandatory. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + START INPUT DATA BELOW + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ================CATEGORY 1: Contact Authors============================= Enter information about the contact authors. Note: PI information must be given. 1. Information about the Principal investigator (PI). !(must be given 1) !(Dr./Prof./Mr./Mrs./Ms.) !(e.g. John) !(e.g. Rodgers) ! Fixed !(or commercial, government, other) !(e.g. name@host.domain.country) !(e.g. 610 Taylor road) !(e.g. Piscataway) !(e.g. New Jersey) !(e.g. 08864) !(e.g. United States, United Kindom, . ) !(e.g. 01(617) 555-1213 ) 2. Information about other contact authors (responsible scientist, investigator) (e.g. 2,3 ..) ...(add more if needed)... ================CATEGORY 2: Structure Genomics========================= If it is the structure genomics project, give the information (e.g. PSI, Protein Structure Initiative) (e.g. Berkeley Structural Genomics Center) ================CATEGORY 3: Release Status============================== Enter Release Status for Coordinates, Constraints, Sequence Status should be chosen from one of the following: (RELEASE NOW, HOLD FOR RELEASE, HOLD FOR 8 WEEKS, HOLD FOR 6 MONTHS, HOLD FOR 1 YEAR) !(e.g. release now) ================CATEGORY 4: Title======================================= Enter the title for the structure !(e.g. Structure Analysis of the B-DNA) ================CATEGORY 5: Authors of Structure============================ Enter authors of the deposited structures (at least one author) !(e.g. Surname, F.M.) ...add more if needed... ================CATEGORY 6: Citation Authors============================ Enter author names for the publications associated with this deposition. The primary citation is the article in which the deposited coordinates were first reported. Other related citations may also be provided. 1. For the primary citation !(e.g. Surname, F.M.) ...add more if needed... 2. For other related citations (if applicable) (e.g. 1, 2 ..) ...add more if needed... ...(add more other citations if needed)... ================CATEGORY 7: Citation Article============================ Enter citation article (journal, title, year, volume, page) If the citation has not yet been published, use 'To be published' for the category 'journal_abbrev' and leave pages, year, volume blank. 1. For primary citation (e.g. To be published) 2. For other related citation (if applicable) (e.g. 1, 2, 3 ...) ...(add more citations if needed)... ================CATEGORY 8: Molecule Names============================== Enter the names of the molecules (entities) that are in the asymmetric unit NOTE: The number of molecular names must be the same as unique sequences ! The name of molecule should be obtained from the appropriate sequence database reference, if available. Otherwise the gene name or other common name of the entity may be used. e.g. HIV-1 integrase for protein RNA Hammerhead Ribozyme for RNA !(for entity 1) (entity 2) ...(add more if needed)... ================CATEGORY 9: Molecule Details============================ Enter additional information about each entity, if known. (optional) Additional information would include details such as fragment name (if applicable), mutation, and E.C.number. 1. For entity 1 (e.g. 1 ) (e.g. ligand binding domain, hairpin) (e.g. C280S) (if known: e.g. 2. For entity 2 (e.g. 2 ) ...(add more if needed)... ================CATEGORY 10: Genetically Manipulated Source============= Enter data in the genetically manipulated source category If the biomolecule has been genetically manipulated, describe its source and expression system here. 1. For entity 1 !(e.g. 1 ) !(e.g. Homo sapiens) (e.g. RPOD, ALKA...) (e.g. BH10 ISOLATE, K-12...) (e.g. 562 ...) (e.g. Escherichia coli) (e.g. BL21(DE3)) (e.g. plasmid) (e.g. pET26) (any other relevant information) ...(add more if needed)... ================CATEGORY 11: Natural Source (optional) =================== Enter data in the natural source category (if applicable) If the biomolecule was derived from a natural source, describe it here. 1. For entity 1 (e.g. 1, 2..) (e.g. Homo sapiens) (e.g. DH5a , BMH 71-18) (e.g. organ, tissue, cell ..) ...(add more if needed)... ================CATEGORY 12: Synthetic Source (optional)================== If the biomolecule has not been genetically manipulated or synthesized, describe its source here. 1. For entity 1 (e.g. 1,2. ) (if known) 2. For entity 2 ...(add more if needed)... ================CATEGORY 13: Keywords=================================== Enter a list of keywords that describe important features of the deposited structure. For example, beta barrel, protein-DNA complex, double helix, hydrolase, structural genomics etc. !(e.g. beta barrel) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ GUIDELINES FOR USING THIS FILE 1. All text should be entered in-between the quotation marks (" ") Example: <#citation_year = " "> should be <#citation_year = "2007"> 2. Descriptions and examples for the data items are provided in the right column. 3. The entries marked by '!' are mandatory for ADIT deposition. 4. Not every data item needs to be filled in. 5. Blank spaces or carriage returns within a pair of quotation marks are ignored by the program. 6. If you need to enter more items than there is space given, you can copy and paste more options. Example: If you need to enter more than 4 structure authors, copy and paste additional <#structure_author_name = " "> into the file. 7. If you need to enter more categories than there is space given, you can copy and paste more categories. Be sure to indicate the identification number of the new category. Example: If two structural genomics centers determined a structure, they would be numbered 1 and 2: <#SG_project_id = " 1"> <#SG_project_name = "PSI "> <#full_name_of_SG_center = "Berkeley Structural Genomics Center "> <#SG_project_id = " 2"> <#SG_project_name = "PSI "> <#full_name_of_SG_center = "Joint Center for Structural Genomics "> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~START INPUT DATA BELLOW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ================CATEGORY 1: Contact Authors============================= Annotation staff will correspond with all contact authors provided about the deposition. Note: PI information should be always given. 1. Information about the Principal investigator (PI) should be given. !(MUST BE given 1) ( Dr./Prof./Mr./Mrs./Ms.) !(e.g. John) !(e.g. Rodgers) !(or investigator/responsible scientist) !(or commercial/government/other) !(e.g. name@host.domain.country) !(e.g. 610 Taylor Road) !(e.g. Piscataway) !(e.g. New Jersey) !(e.g. 08864) !(e.g. UNITED STATES) 2. Information about other contact authors (e.g. 2,3,4..) Additional contact authors can be added by duplicating this section and increasing the ID number. ================CATEGORY 2: Structure Genomics========================= For structures from the structural genomics projects. Additional centers can be added by duplicating this section and increasing the ID number. (PSI or NPPSFA) (e.g. Berkeley Structural Genomics Center) ================CATEGORY 3: Release Status============================== Enter Release Status for Coordinates, Constraints, Sequence Status should be chosen from one of the following: (RELEASE NOW, HOLD FOR RELEASE, HOLD FOR 8 WEEKS, HOLD FOR 6 MONTHS, HOLD FOR 1 YEAR) !(e.g. release now) ================CATEGORY 4: Title======================================= Enter the title for the structure !(e.g. Crystal Structure Analysis of the B-DNA) Enter any additional features of this structure that will not be included elsewhere in the deposition ================CATEGORY 5: Authors of Structure============================ Enter authors of the deposited structures (e.g. Surname, F.M.) Additional authors can be added by duplicating this token. !(e.g. Surname, F.M.) ================CATEGORY 6: Citation Authors============================ Enter author names for the publications associated with this deposition. The primary citation is the article in which the deposited coordinates were first reported. Other related citations may also be provided. 1. For the primary citation (e.g. Surname, F.M.) ...add more if needed... 2. For other related citations (if applicable) (e.g. 1, 2 ..) ...add more if needed... Authors for additional citation can be added by duplicating section 2 and increasing the ID number. ================CATEGORY 7: Citation Article============================ Enter citation article (journal, title, year, volume, page) If the citation has not yet been published, use 'To be published' for the category 'journal_abbrev' and leave pages and volume blank. 1. For primary citation (e.g. to be published) 2. For other related citation (if applicable) (e.g. 1, 2, 3 ...) Additional citations can be added by duplicating section 2 and increasing the citation_id number. ID number should correspond to the ID of the citation authors given. ================CATEGORY 8: Molecule Names============================== Enter the names of the molecules (entities). Additional names can be added by duplicating this token. The name of molecule should be obtained from the appropriate sequence database reference, if available. Otherwise the gene name or other common name of the entity may be used. e.g. HIV-1 integrase for protein RNA Hammerhead Ribozyme for RNA The number of entities should be the same as in CATEGORY 1. !(entity 1) (entity 2) ================CATEGORY 9: Molecule Details============================ Enter additional information about each entity, if known. (optional) Additional information would include details such as fragment name (if applicable), mutation, and E.C. number. 1. For entity 1 (e.g. 1, 2, ...) (e.g. ligand binding domain, hairpin) (e.g. C280S) (if known: e.g. 2. For entity 2 Additional molecule details can be added by duplicating section 2 and increasing the ID number. ================CATEGORY 10: Genetically Manipulated Source============== Enter data in the genetically manipulated source category If the biomolecule has been genetically manipulated, describe its source and expression system here. 1. For entity 1 !(e.g. 1, 2, ...) !(e.g. Homo sapiens) (e.g. RPOD, ALKA...) (e.g. Escherichia coli) (e.g. BL21(DE3)) (e.g. plasmid) (e.g. pET26) (any other relevant information) 2. For entity 2 (e.g. 2,3, ...) Additional information can be added by duplicating section 2 and increasing the ID number. ================CATEGORY 11: Natural Source============================= Enter data in the natural source category (if applicable) If the biomolecule was derived from a natural source, describe it here. 1. For entity 1 (e.g. 1, 2, ...) (e.g. Homo sapiens) (e.g. DH5a , BMH 71-18) (e.g. organ, tissue, cell ..) 2. For entity 2 Additional information can be added by duplicating section 2 and increasing the ID number. ================CATEGORY 12: Synthetic Source============================= If the biomolecule has not been genetically manipulated or synthesized, describe its source here. 1. For entity 1 (e.g. 1, 2, ...) (if known) 2. For entity 2 Additional information can be added by duplicating section 2 and increasing the ID number. ================CATEGORY 13: Keywords=================================== Enter a list of keywords that describe important features of the deposited structure. For example, beta barrel, protein-DNA complex, double helix, hydrolase, structural genomics etc. !(e.g. beta barrel) =====================================END==================================